This is the village of Nadal

Our property is the shaded area, and we've indicated where our neighbors live. The mill is currently uninhabited. It is used to store farm equipment and occasionally to house visitors. You can explore Nadal with your mouse.

Most of our neighbors are active or retired farmers who have lived all their lives in Nadal. Some have jobs in nearby towns, too, at least for part of the year. Jo-Jo Ayroles farms his land now, but worked in the dairy in Lacapelle-Marival before he retired; Gilbert Hermann ran a sports cafe there, until he retired; Marius Lacaze recently passed away, but his son Jean-Marie, who has been running the farm for many years now, is an active "bio-dynamique" farmer. Joëlle Nastorg, wife of Jean-Marie Lacaze, works as a nurse in a nearby town. Jean-Marie and Joëlle have three grown daughters, one of whom will be taking over her father's farming once he retires. The grandsons of Marie-Louise Lacaze (no relation) have preserved their grandmother's home and they also visit Nadal often.

A Closer Look at the Property